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Neural Development and Stem Cells

Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 468
Publication Date: 2005-09-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1588294811
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781588294814

Book Description:
This extensively expanded and updated edition reflects the enormous increase in our knowledge of the development of the nervous system. Working from a new understanding that the regionalization of stem cells occurs early in development and that this bias appears to persist even after prolonged culture, Dr. Rao has added additional chapters on olfactory epithelial stem cells and retinal stem cells, both of which differ in their properties from ventricular zone and subventricular zone-derived neural stem cells. A new chapter on cell death summarizes the important changes in the death pathway that occurs as stem cells mature.
| Tags: Neurology, Neuroscience |