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Free Management Books

Management Books:

Become a better manager with these courses, which cover topics in psychology, change management, and more.

  1. BMA’s Change Management Articles: Get tips on change management in this book.
  2. Instant Testing and Measuring: Learn how to manage a marketing team here.
  3. Conquer Your Fear of Change: This change management book will help you learn the strategies needed to take your business in a new direction.
  4. Best Management Quotations Vol. 1: Get inspired to be a better manager by reading this book.
  5. The Removal of Distracting Thoughts: Become a better manager by learning to remain focused.
  6. How to Speak and Write Correctly: Brush up on effective communication here.
  7. Introduction to Management: Contents in this tutorial include management history in the U.S.; planning, organizing and leading groups; supervision; and more.
  8. Management Learning and Training: Learn management basics here.
  9. How to Turn Challenging Situations Around: Learn how to positively manipulate a situation.
  10. MBA Operations Management: Chapters here include Process Planning and Design, Inventory Management, and Enterprise Resource Planning.