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FXRuby: Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby - pdf

FXRuby: Create Lean and Mean GUIs with RubyBook Description
FXRuby is a highly object-oriented toolkit for building lean, mean, cross-platform graphical user interfaces in Ruby. Since its initial release in 2001, FXRuby has become one of the most popular GUI choices for Ruby developers. This book is your best resource for rapidly learning how to develop powerful, sophisticated GUIs in your favorite programming language.If you’re a newcomer to GUI programming, this book will introduce you to the basics of FXRuby programming by leading you through building a GUI application with FXRuby from start to finish. If you’re an experienced software developer who just needs to get up to speed on FXRuby and what it can do for you, this book will help you put FXRuby to work in your Ruby-based applications. Along the way, you’ll learn how to leverage FXRuby’s vast collection of user interface elements to build visually rich user interfaces. You’ll see how FXRuby uses the concept of sending messages between objects to implement event-driven applications, and how you can most effectively use layout managers to construct flexible user interfaces.

Go beyond the basics with proven, practical knowledge and techniques for developing real-world GUI programs in Ruby.

About the Author
Lyle Johnson is the lead developer of FXRuby, one of the most popular graphical user interface libraries for the Ruby programming language. An active participant in the Ruby programming community since 2000, he also co-authored the Ruby Developer’s Guide, one of the first English-language books about Ruby. For the past fifteen years, he’s developed software applications for a variety of industries, including engineering modeling and simulation, biotechnology and computer network defense.

Lyle is currently a Senior Analyst with Sentar, Inc., where he conducts research and development in the application of knowledge based systems to the problems of decision-making and situational awareness in highly dynamic environments. He lives in Madison, Alabama with his wife Denise and their cat Oscar.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 228 pages
  • Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; illustrated edition edition (April 4, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1934356077
  • ISBN-13: 978-1934356074
  • File Size: 4.2 MiB
  • Hits: 701 times