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Masterminds of Programming: Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages - pdf

Masterminds of Programming: Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming LanguagesBook Description

Masterminds of Programming features exclusive interviews with the creators of several historic and highly influential programming languages. In this unique collection, you’ll learn about the processes that led to specific design decisions, including the goals they had in mind, the trade-offs they had to make, and how their experiences have left an impact on programming today. Masterminds of Programming includes individual interviews with:Adin D. Falkoff: APL Thomas E. Kurtz: BASIC Charles H. Moore: FORTH Robin Milner: ML Donald D. Chamberlin: SQL Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan: AWK Charles Geschke and John Warnock: PostScript Bjarne Stroustrup: C++ Bertrand Meyer: Eiffel Brad Cox and Tom Love: Objective-C Larry Wall: Perl Simon Peyton Jones, Paul Hudak, Philip Wadler, and John Hughes: Haskell Guido van Rossum: Python Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Roberto Ierusalimschy: Lua James Gosling: Java Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and James Rumbaugh: UML Anders Hejlsberg: Delphi inventor and lead developer of C#

If you’re interested in the people whose vision and hard work helped shape the computer industry, you’ll find Masterminds of Programming fascinating.

About the Author
Federico Biancuzzi is a freelance interviewer. His interviews appeared on publications such as,,,,,,, the Polish print magazine BSD Magazine, and the Italian print magazine Linux&C.

Shane Warden manages Onyx Neon Press, an independent publisher. His areas of expertise include agile software development, language design, and virtual machines for dynamic languages. He is also a published novelist. His books include The Art of Agile Development and Masterminds of Programming.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 494 pages
  • Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc.; 1 edition (May 11, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0596515170
  • ISBN-13: 978-0596515171
  • File Size: 2.9 MiB
  • Hits: 1,672 times