Handbook of Outpatient Hysteroscopy: A Complete Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy
T. Justin Clark M.D.,Janesh K. Gupta M.D. | 2005-07-07 00:00:00 | A Hodder Arnold Publication | 306 | Internal Medicine
Many benign gynecological conditions can now be safely diagnosed, investigated and managed in the outpatient or 'office' setting. This book will be a concise, highly practical, guide to modern practice, concentrating not simply on the surgical interventions but providing clear guidelines to best practice based on the evidence currently available. It will consider all the most common conditions in gynecology with which patients most frequently present in the clinic or outpatient department - abnormal bleeding problems, HRT/menopause related problems, reproductive medicine and fertility control. The book will be illustrated with diagrams and photographs where necessary, and each chapter will conclude with a summary and key learning points box. The content will complement the hysterectomy course run in Birmingham (the team at Birmingham Women's Hospital has been the forefront of the development of service development, and has conducted one of the largest reviews of current practice in hysteroscopy), but will also be relevant to other RCOG-accredited courses around the country.
I liked this book as it is concise, well written and informative. Notonly does it help with the technical aspects of hysteroscopy, it also helps to sell a business plan, set up and run a practice based on OPD hysteroscopy.
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