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Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing: MATLAB-Based Applications

Product Details
Book Publisher: CRC (14 January, 2004)
ISBN: 0824748034
Book author: John L. Semmlow
Amazon Rating: 5.0

Book Description:
Relying heavily on MATLAB® problems and examples, as well as simulated data, this text/reference surveys a vast array of signal and image processing tools for biomedical applications, providing a working knowledge of the technologies addressed while showcasing valuable implementation procedures, common pitfalls, and essential application concepts. The first and only textbook to supply a hands-on tutorial in biomedical signal and image processing, it offers a unique and proven approach to signal processing instruction, unlike any other competing source on the topic. The text is accompanied by a CD with support data files and software including all MATLAB examples and figures found in the text.