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Psychiatric Issues in Epilepsy: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

Product Details
Book Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (01 December, 2006)
ISBN: 078178591X
Book author: Alan B Ettinger, Andres M Kanner

Book Description:
This volume is a pragmatic, comprehensive guide to evaluation and management of psychiatric problems in patients with epilepsy. The authors critically analyze recent findings on the relationship between seizures and psychiatric disorders and offer practical recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. Numerous case studies are included. This thoroughly updated edition includes new material on animal models of psychopathology in epilepsy, use of psychotropic drugs in epilepsy, use of antiepileptic drugs in psychiatry, neuroanatomic and neurobiologic bases of psychiatric disorders, neuropsychological evaluation in children with epilepsy, neuropsychological testing in epilepsy surgery candidates, and value and limitations of the forced normalization concept.