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GFI Network Security and PCI Compliance Power Tools

For system administrators and IT security professionals to properly secure their networks, it is imperative that they utilize tools which constantly scan their networks and report back suspicious activity and/or the presence of known security vulnerabilities. These tasks are also key components for companies who must achieve Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) compliance. GFI Network Security is a market leader in this security scanning, reporting, and federal compliance space. Their products are deployed on over 200,000 networks worldwide and they have over 10,000 worldwide re-sellers. The GFI customer base is also extremely active and tightly-knit. Their forums have over 14,000 registered users and there are currently 18,200 topics under discussion. These are good indicators of both the size of the market and users' need to gain more information on GFI products. This book is the first reference for these system administrators and security professionals specifically covering GFI's products. The book is being developed with support of the GFI Engineering team.
GFI LANGuard Network Security Scanner (NSS) combines vulnerability scanning and patch management functions into one, powerful tool set. By analyzing the operating system and the applications running on a network, GFI LANguard NSS identifies potential security issues. It then alerts system administrators and security professionals to weaknesses before a hacker can find them. This allows the IT staff to close any holes before they are exploited. The GFI PCI Suite is a package comprising the core software required for companies to achieve Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) compliance. This suite is a component of GFI LANGuard Network Security Scanner (NSS). The GFI PCI Suite also features enhanced reporting functionality with reports created specifically to help organizations become compliant.
GFI products have received introductory coverage in dozens of IT books for system administrators and security professionals. But, these tools have never received the in-depth, substantive coverage required to truly master them. While our book will have a certain amount of introductory material, it will be primarily written for intermediate to advanced users who must push these tools to the limits to do their jobs. Readers of this book have already scoured the user forums and smattering of coverage in other books. Now, they'll finally have the comprehensive reference they need.
* Use GFI EndPointSecurity to Lock Down Hardware
* Create Protection Policies to Control the Level of Device Access
* Master Advanced Features of GFI: Locking Device Categories, Blacklisting and Whitelisting Devices, Using File Type Restrictions and More..
