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Simply SQL - pdf

Simply SQLBook Description
Packed with examples, Simply SQL is a step-by-step introduction to learning SQL. You’ll discover how easy it is to use SQL to interact with best-practice, robust databases. Rather than bore you with theory, it focuses on the practical use of SQL with common databases and uses plenty of diagrams, easy-to-read text, and examples to help make learning SQL easy and fun.

  • Step through the basic SQL syntax
  • Learn how to use best practices in database design
  • Master advanced syntax like inner joins, groups, and subqueries
  • Understand the SQL datatypes
  • And much more…

About the Author
Rudy Limeback is a semi-retired SQL Consultant living in Toronto, Canada. His SQL experience spans more than 20 years, and includes working with DB2, SQL Server, Access, Oracle, and MySQL.

He is an avid participant in discussion forums, primarily at SitePoint ( His two Web sites are for SQL and for personal stuff. When not glued to his computer, Rudy enjoys playing touch football and frisbee golf.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 318 pages
  • Publisher: SitePoint; Pap/Onl edition (December 28, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0980455251
  • ISBN-13: 978-0980455250
  • File Size: 8.6 MiB
  • Hits: 2,357 times