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Foundation Flash Catalyst - pdf

Foundation Flash CatalystBook Description
This book offers an introduction to Flash Catalyst for designers with intermediate to advanced skills. It discusses where Catalyst sits within the production process and how it communicates with other programs. It covers all of the features of the Flash Catalyst workspace, teaching you how to create designs from scratch, how to build application designs and add functionality, and how to master the Catalyst/Flex workflow.

  • Introduces Flash Catalyst
  • Focuses on production process
  • Covers the interrelation between Flash Catalyst and Photoshop/Illustrator/Flex/Flash

What you'll learn
Starting from scratch, you'll learn the basic concepts and interface functionality of Flash Catalyst, and get practical experience by working on carefully crafted real-life projects throughout the book. You'll learn every stage of the process, from the first design sketches to the Flex Developer hand over, and how you can make design changes to assets while the developers work on the code. You'll also learn how to make your designs functional by adding simple buttons and scroll bars, and how to make sure that developers can precisely interpret your vision.

  • Converting Photoshop/Illustrator artwork to interactive designs
  • Sketching designs with interactivity
  • Sketching designs with transitions
  • Working with the FXG format
  • Designing with fluid layouts in Catalyst

Who this book is for
This book is for designers experienced with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Fireworks who want to include Flash Catalyst in their workflows. It's also for the general audience looking to design rich Internet applications using Catalyst.

About the Author
LordAlex is an active member of the Flash community and a wellrespected industry leader with over 7 years of experience creating content and applications for the Internet and devices. He is the founder of LordAlex Works™ (LAW), a Flash platform consultancy firm based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, helping new media and content providers deliver intelligent, rich Internet content and powerful applications based on the Flash platform.

LordAlex runs a personal blog dedicated to the Flash platform and related technologies that you can read at

You can find LordAlex in his spare time writing tutorials in English, French, and Spanish or speaking at international events and conferences. LordAlex also runs the local official Montreal Adobe User Group, the largest AUG in the province of Quebec.

Greg is an interdisciplinary interactive designer based in Toronto. He is an alumni of the Canadian Film Centre Media Lab and the Interactive Project Lab. He has won Gold at the National Post Design Exchange awards and has presented his work at numerous festivals, including the World Expo in Aichi, Japan. As a professor at the Humber College School of Media Studies, he divides his time among playing with technology, training the next generation of interactive designers, and being inspired by his students. Greg also drinks too much coffee, and should really be living on a beach. His website is

Book Details

  • Paperback: 350 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (September, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430228628
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430228622
  • File Size: 10.4 MiB
  • Hits: 1,134 times