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Persuasion (Signet Classics)

Persuasion (Signet Classics)
Jane Austen | 1996-08-01 00:00:00 | Signet Classics | 288 | Classics
The final novel by the acclaimed writer places heroine Anne Elliot, a woman of integrity and deep emotion, against the brutality and hypocrisy of Regency England. Reissue.
Anne Elliot, heroine of Austen's last novel, did something we can all relate to: Long ago, she let the love of her life get away. In this case, she had allowed herself to be persuaded by a trusted family friend that the young man she loved wasn't an adequate match, social stationwise, and that Anne could do better. The novel opens some seven years after Anne sent her beau packing, and she's still alone. But then the guy she never stopped loving comes back from the sea. As always, Austen's storytelling is so confident, you can't help but allow yourself to be taken on the enjoyable journey.
I'm slowly becoming a Jane Austen fan. My first book was Pride and Prejudice and then I decided to give 'Persuasion' a shot...and I'm glad I did!

This book tells the story of Anne Elliot. A woman of 28 who found love at 21 and lost it because she was persuaded by the family friend and her own family. But the story starts when she sees her former love eight and a half years's a great journey.

Captain Wentworth's letter just made me bawl like a baby!!!

Amazing book, glad I picked it up!
Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth were happily in love and ready to be married - until Anne's friend Lady Russel persuades her that Captain Wentworth, a poor man in the army, is not the man for her. Eight years later, however, society brings them together again. Anne still loves him, and she must divulge if he still loves her, a hard task considering all the lovely young women who would do anything to marry the handsome and now wealthy Captain. Persuasion is a story filled with jealousy and uncertainty, as well as passion, simple joy, and a powerful, unconditional love.

Persuasion is my third Austen novel (the first being Pride and Prejudice, then Sense and Sensibility); I loved it. It kept me up late at night - midnight and later. I finished it in four days, which is a record for me as I do not read classics very quickly.

In one word, I would say this is a simple book, in the best sense. It is written well and the way the events of the story are played out build the characters' personalities, their way of living. The story progresses in just a way that mirrors Anne's feelings for Wentworth... In the beginning, there is no word of a Captain Wentworth, and Anne's life is happy. At least, on the outside. As everything falls into place, however, Anne becomes more and more unnerved and unable to conceal her love, the love she's had all along. The tension between the Captain and Anne Elliot was substantial and realistic. I was very impressed and am every excited to read and re-read all of Austen's wonderful novels. They're sitting on my shelf...waiting!

yearningtoread on blogspot
I almost feel ashamed that I did not like this book, after all it is Jane Austin! I loved Pride and Predujice, I loved Emma but I found Persuasion tedious. The charaters were not interesting, the story rather disjointed and lackluster. I made myself finish it thinking perhaps it would get better, it did not.
Ms. Austen writes a fantastic story for the most part. The gossip was a little much at times. And the stereotypical situations and feelings were accurate even if a little annoying. The story flowed fairly well. I was impressed with keeping all the different characters and traits separate. Just a lot going on and different story lines. I was impressed with how much was in the book and everything was wrapped up neatly. Some things hadn't happened yet but you knew what was going to happen.

I truly felt for Anne. She was trying to follow the influence of a friend since her mother was dead. I understand but she finally had to figure out for herself what was right and stick to it. Things seemed to go better now that she was older. Family and friends didn't fight things for her so much. Of her family members I loved her older sister Mary the best. She had her moments where she would get "sick" or get frustrated with her husband for making plans when plans were already made. But she had to learn to speak up as well. The women just kind of sat back and did nothing sometimes.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. The drama was a little bit overwhelming but I had to find out how it ended. I wanted to know if Anne and Fredrick would end up together. I could see how things would all play out or at least how I hoped it would end up. Ms. Austen is an amazing author and I cannot wait to read more of her work.

In Jane Austen's time, young women were taught that it was practically their duty to "marry well" -- someone of at least equal social/financial standing.

But if a woman turned down a suitor for being poor, she ran the risk of losing the man she loved. That's the problem for Anne Elliott, the heroine of Jane Austen's final novel "Persuasion" -- a delicate romance that takes place AFTER the romance, rejection and heartrending sorrow. There's some slight roughness around the edges, but the story and the characters are simply brilliant.

Eight years ago, Anne Elliott was engaged to the handsome, intelligent and impoverished sailor Frederick Wentworth, but was persuaded to dump him by the family friend Lady Russell.

Now she's twenty-seven (ancient by the time's standards), and her vain father Sir Walter is facing financial ruin. So he decides to relocate to Bath and rent out the vast family estate -- and it turns out that the new tenant is Frederick's brother-in-law. Of course, Anne still loves Frederick, but he doesn't seem to feel the same, especially since he's rumored to be interested in some younger, flirtier girls.

And Anne's worries increase when she joins her family in Bath, where her father is attempting to live the lifestyle he feels he deserves (since he's a baronet). His heir, William Elliott, recently reestablished contact with his relatives -- and he seems very interested in Anne. But Anne suspects that he has ulterior motives... even if she doesn't realize how Frederick truly feels about her.

It's pretty obvious that Jane Austen wrote "Persuasion" late in her life -- not only is Anne Elliott older than her other heroines, but she seems to have been more sympathetic to women who bowed to society's "persuasions." This was the last book that Austen wrote before her untimely death, and it was only published posthumously.

As a result, the book can be a little rough and the story is rather simple. But Austen's writing is still intense and powerfully vivid. Her prose is elegant and smooth, and her dialogue is full of hidden facets. The half-hidden love story of Anne and Frederick is among Austen's most skillful writing ("I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever"), and it's virtually impossible not to be moved by it.

And Austen went out of her way to praise the self-made man, who got ahead through merit instead of birth (something that bugs Sir Walter). She also pokes holes in social climbers, vain aristocrats ("Few women could think more of their personal appearance than he did"), nasty family and false friends.

Anne herself is a very rare heroine, both then and now -- she's past her designated "marriage" years and would have been considered a lost cause. But she remains remains kind, thoughtful, quiet, intelligent, and as time goes on she starts to appreciate her own judgement instead of being "persuaded." And Captain Wentworth is a vibrant portrayal of a strong man who worked his way to the top, but had to do so without the woman he loved.

Jane Austen's last finished novel is a little rough in places, but the exquisite beauty of Frederick and Anne's love story is simply staggering. Truly a masterpiece.

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