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World of Earth Science

World of Earth Science
K. Lee Lerner,Brenda Wilmoth Lerner | 1900-01-01 00:00:00 | Gale Group | 0 | Environmental Science
An fine entry-level resource for high school and university students. The books have interesting pictures and a diversity of topics reinforce clear explanations of scientific principles that cut across the geosciences. SCIENCE is well presented.
Joan Francis, Earth Science Teacher, Retired Geologist.
I have reviewed critical articles of this book to determine whether it should be considered as a possible home school reference. In spite of a good coverage of important topics, the editors and writers present only the humanist driven explanations of the earth's creation and evolution. Intelligent design perspectives and scriptural facts are missing from their scientific literalist presentations. An editorial policy of scientific literalism does not completely serve those looking for broader treatment of all the facts. Most importantly, the book does not account for facts relating to Flood stratigraphy and editorializes against and ignores the facts supporting a "younger earth" hypothesis.

I like the mixture of astronomy and geology, but the astronomy articles treat physics and chemistry THEORIES as established fact. I would have liked more on environmental matters,especially articles on exploitation of the biosphere.

The pictures are good but, as with the text, the resources directing students to additional information seem slanted toward the scientific literalist perspective. The book would be greatly improved by presenting all sides of the growing scientific debate. In a book on Earth Science, all scientific perspectives need coverage. Although there is some good factual information, the books treatment of many creation and evolution issues seems one-sided and is thus incomplete. I would not recommend this book as appropriate as a stand-alone reference resource for home school study.
by: W. Stephens, FL. (PATH reviewer for home study resources).

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